Endeavor Mainframe Manual

February 2, 2018

The driver must make upward shifts in into the manual gate. Page 134 Features and controls Operation of the automatic transaxle Move the selector lever gently between the manual and main gates and between positions in the manual gate. N4 Excessive force could damage the selector lever. At this point, our backout procedures are still manual. We have looked into the Endevor backout, however, it only works if you are backing out your changes the same day you put them in and the elements are sitting in the stage 2 libraries. Once they have been moved to the production libraries, the Endevor backout does not work. Retreive To retreive elements from any environment to personal PDS. Usually impacted elements are retreived from production to personal PDS. IBM Mainframe Forums- CA Products: Quick References View previous topic:: View next topic: Author Message; Maddipatla Rajasekhar New User Joined: 10 Mar 2009 Posts: 16 Location: Hyderabad: Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:56 pm: Hi, How to do the endevor scan for the list of items that don't have a particular text in that element.

Below are the few online expeditor useful commands for basic debugging of a program.

Expeditor Quick Reference →

xpediter keep window size – To increase or decrease the keep window size
n can be any number from 3 to 11.
SET KEEP 3 is the minimum window size and SET KEEP 11 is the maximum window size

Command line Commands:

XPED <Program Name> → Type this in the Native CICS region which open the program in Debug mode allowing user to enter break points or setup KEEP/ PEEK etc.

KEEP <variable name> → It displays the variable value throughout the program execution. This can also be set by giving K in Line next to the variable.

Endeavor Mainframe Manual

PEEK <variable name> → It displays the group level variable along with all sub level variables values. This can also be set by giving P in Line next to the variable.

WHEN <variable name> CHANGESThis also sets the break point but it sets when the given variable value changes.

WHEN <variable name> = <value> → This command issues a break whenever the variable value become equals to the given value

DELETE ALL → Deletes all the commands that are in effect like Break points, KEEPs etc.

DELETE BREAKS → Deletes all the break points.

DELETE S → Deletes only Skip commands

DELETE K → Deletes Keeps

ACCESS → This is used to access MAPS, MAPSETS etc while executing the program in xpeditor. PF3 takes back to the execution window.

Ex: ACCESS MAPS → It shows a screen where MAP need to enter and then it displays the named map.

Sample Command line

Line Commands

B → Break Point, Put a B on the line and press enter. Break pint will be set at that point.

O → One time break point, Once that statement executes break point will not be in effect.

K → Equivalent to KEEP<variable name>.

K2 → It displays the second variable found after K2.

K3, K4, K5.. etc also possible. It shows the value correspondingly.

KK → Used to set keeps for a block of variables. It can be used in procedure and working storage divisions.

K* → Sets Keep for all the variables used in that statement.

P → PEEK. It displays the group level variable along with all the sub level variables values . To come out off the PEEK window, Press PF3

GT → GO TO , It takes the control to that particular line. It skips all other lines before to GT & current execution point from execution.

D → Used to delete the break points and also used to delete the KEEPs

S → Skips that line from the execution

SS → Skips block of lines in between SS &SS from execution.


PF Keys

PF9 → Line by Line Execution

PF12 → Break Point to Break point Execution

PF3 → Exit from the program.

Mainframe Endeavor Tool

SHIFT PF6 → It shows the screen while execution is going on. To come back to the execution, Press SHIFt PF6 again.

To come back into execution window after pressing Pf3 →


To Enter into Sub Program from the main Program →

  • One way is to put break points in all modules before entering the transaction.
  • Other way is , before the execution of the sub program.. Change the module name to Sub Program name on the top Left corner and put a break point. Change it back to Main program and execute it.

To come out of the Execution Window →

  • Press Pf3 thrice and then ENETRFirst PF3 you get Debugging Facilities Menu shown below

2nd PF3 →

3rd PF3 →

Endeavor Mainframe Manual Software

END Session – YES → It removes the program(s) from the xped

No → Program remains in the xped mode and if we enter the programs transaction, it gets opened in debug mode.

Endeavor Mainframe Tool

For Further Reading>