Diablo 2 Charsi Imbue

Tools of the Trade
Quest GiverCharsi
Quest AreaBarracks
GoalRetrieve Horadric Malus
RewardImbuement of chosen item.
Quest ItemsHoradric Malus

Before you want to imbue a item from Charsi, simply save and exit in case she gives you something that's not-that good. Go to the window where they display the Diablo 2 save game file. Apr 25, 2012 Charsi is an NPC found in the Rogue Encampment. She sells armor and weapons and offers repairs. Charsi gives the Tools of the Trade quest, and the imbue item reward upon completion of it. Even though the Sisters of the Sightless Eye are known for their skills with a bow, Charsi passes the time by hammering a scimitar on her forge.

This quest becomes available by speaking to Charsi following The Forgotten Tower quest. Charsi requests your aid in retrieving the Horadric Malus, an enchanted smithing hammer that could be used to aid the Sisters in their battle against Evil. Charsi indicates that she was forced to abandon it while fleeing the Rogue Monastery during the invasion by Andariel.

The Rogue Monastery can be found by following the path through the Black Marsh and the Tamoe Highlands. Once you reach the Rogue Monastery, continue through the Outer Cloister and into the Barracks. The Horadric Malus is located somewhere within the Barracks, guarded by a demon known as The Smith.Take note that the difference in difficulty between outside the monastery and inside it is vast. The monastery contains hordes of baddies that can't be beaten the same way you beat hordes of baddies outside the monastery. Make sure that you are comfortable with the armor you are wearing, the weapon you are wielding and the spells you think of casting before entering this damnable place.

By retrieving the Horadric Malus and returning it to Charsi, you will be able to imbue a piece of equipment with randomly selected abilities. Note that no Magic, Rare, Set, or Unique items can be used. Also note that this can only be done once, therefore, it is recommended that you wait until later in the game, such as Act III or IV, and imbue a higher level item.

  • 2NPC Quest Dialog
  • 3Character Quest Dialog

It allows you to turn a white item into a yellow item. Diablo II and D2: Lord of Destruction (v1.08) Guide v1.0 by Spider Eternal(tm) (Spider0@Juno.com) Last Update: 8/2/01 Check next to each title of the section to see the date of the last update! The Xpack is finally here! =) Sorry for the lack of updates, but I've been rather busy with work, so I was unable to play Diablo 2 for a long while.

Quest Activation Dialog

Charsi:'When I fled the Monastery, I left behind the Horadric Malus, my enchanted smithing hammer. If you can retrieve it for me, I'll use its magic to strengthen your equipment.'

NPC Quest Dialog

After Initiating

Akara:'You must find the Malus.'

Cain:'The Malus was forged and enchanted by the ancient Horadric Mages during the Sin Wars. When their union dissolved, the Malus was entrusted to the Sisterhood guarding the pass into the East.'

Charsi:'The Monastery can confuse even those who know it well. Stay alert in there.'

Gheed:'Charsi talks of nothing anymore, but this Horadric Malus. Between you and her my ears need a rest. Just find it and bring it back quickly.'

'I have offered my nomadic phallus, but to no avail.'

Kashya:'Charsi is wasting her time and talents using an inferior hammer! Had she the Horadric Malus, she could make the steel sing and craft you a suit of armor as impenetrable as the Great Eye.'

Warriv:'Just as an archer needs bow and arrow, or a draughtsman pen and paper, so Charsi needs the Horadric Malus with which to ply her trade.'

Early Return

Akara:'If you can't carry out this quest, how will you face the greater evils ahead?'

Cain:'The Malus has eluded you so far. Well, search thoroughly in the Barracks... That is where the Rogues kept their forge.'

Charsi:'The Malus is a Horadric artifact of great power. Please bring it back.'

Gheed:'I have heard that you bear us no Malus.'

Kashya:'To do battle with Andariel requires more than thick skin and a strong will. You'll want armor and weaponry forged with the hammer's enchantments.'

Warriv:'What better opportunity to show your mettle?'

Upon Completion

Akara:'Well done, my friend. But remember, the return of the Horadric Malus is but one step in reclaiming the Monastery.'

Cain:'The magical effects imbued by the Malus are impossible to predict, but are always to the good.'

Charsi:'Oh! Thanks so much for returning the Horadric Malus! I will now imbue one of your items with magical powers.'

Gheed:'I guess it's too late to take back some of the names I called you.'

Kashya:'Now that the Horadric Malus is back in our possession, we shall use it to deliver a great blow against the Evil which torments this land.'

Warriv:'I am glad the hammer has returned and you with it.'

Character Quest Dialog

Retrieved Horadric Malus

Amazon:'The Sisters will be glad to have this back.'

Assassin:'A malus! This should go to Charsi.'

Barbarian:'I should take this to Charsi.'

Druid:'Charsi will be thankful to get this malus.'

Necromancer:'All this for a hammer?'

Paladin:'This will help the Sisters turn the tide against Evil.'

Sorceress:'I hope the Sisters appreciate this thing.'

Diablo II Quests
Act IDen of Evil • Sisters' Burial Grounds • The Search for Cain • The Forgotten Tower • Tools of the Trade • Sisters to the Slaughter
Act IIRadament's Lair • The Horadric Staff • The Tainted Sun • The Arcane Sanctuary • The Summoner • The Seven Tombs
Act IIIThe Golden Bird • Blade of the Old Religion • Khalim's Will • Lam Esen's Tome • The Blackened Temple • The Guardian
Act IVThe Fallen Angel • Hell's Forge • Terror's End
Act VSiege on Harrogath • Rescue on Mount Arreat • Prison of Ice • Betrayal of Harrogath • Rite of Passage • Eve of Destruction
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Cow Level

Diablo 2 Charsi Imbue

After you have beaten Baal go back to act one. Ifyou have Wirts leg from tristam put it in thehoradric cube. If not go back to tristam and getit. Put a tome of town portal with at least onescroll in it in the horadric cube too. Clicktransmute and a red portal will open. Go throughand prepare for the cow level. Its full of hellbovines and the cow king. Make sure you are inthe same act that you beat Baal in.

A Cube Formula

Full rejuvination is really handy because it restoreshealth (and mana) instantly instead of a bit at atime so if ya didn't know . 3 mana + 3 healing += 1 rejuvination 3 rejuvination is 1 full rej.But even better is: 3 mana + 3 healing + 1 gem =full rejuvination!!!

Full Health (druid Only)

To get full health with a druid just morph into bear or wolf form and when you morph back you will have full hp. You can morph back yourself though you have to wait until it changes you back.

Get A Hellfire Torch

How to get your own torch:
First, you must get 3 sets of keys. You get thesekeys, (called terror key, hell key, and destructionkey), from 3 certain mini-bosses in hell mode.These keys randomly drop off of The countess inact1, The Summoner in act2, and Nihlathak in act5.
Once you have killed these 3 mini-bosses enoughtimes to receive 3 sets of keys, (that means 3tkeys, 3 hkeys, and 3 dkeys. ), you ready for thenext step: Now you must travel to act 5 of hellmode and transmute the keys. Put one set of keysin the Horadric cube and hit transmute. A redportal will appear (much like the cow level), thered portal will either say 'The Matron Den', 'TheHell Furnace', or 'The Forgotten Sands'. You musttravel through this red portal to get to the uberboss within each portal. In 'The Hell Furnace',you will face off against Uber Izual. In 'Theforgotten sands' you will face off against UberDurial, and in 'The Matron Den' you will face offagainst Lilith (who looks much like andariel).
Now I suggest that you open all 3 portals in thesame game, in different places in Harrogath,because which portals open is completely random,but if you already have 1 portal open, thatguarantees that one of the remaining to 2 portalswill open with the next transmute.
Now when you kill these 3 uber bosses from the Redportal levels, each boss will drop one 'Organ'.The organs are: Diablo's horn, Mephisto's brain,and Baal's eye.
The 3 organs equal 'An organ set'.
Now exit the game, and make a new game in hell mode.
Put all 3 organs in the Horadric cube and hittransmute. Another red portal will open, but thisone will be called 'Tristam', or 'Uber Tristam'.
You are about to face the hardest encounter in thegame, so get ready. Once you travel through theportal, you will meet hordes upon hordes ofskeletons, many of which are completely magicimmune. Forget the Skeletons. Your Focus should beone the 3 bosses in Tristam: Uber Mephisto, Uberdiablo, and Uber Baal.
Lure each boss in a corner of Tristam and squareoff with them.
Once 2 bosses are defeated, there will be oneleft. After you defeat the third boss, it willdrop a Large Charm (who's text will be in gold).Identify this charm to receive a Hellfire Torch.The torch will give +3 to a random classes skills,+10-+20 to all attributes, +10-+20 to allresistances, and 10 charges of a level 30 firehydra. If the 'Torch' is not for the class youneed it for, you're only choice will to be totrade that torch for another torch for the classyou need.
NOTE:You can only have 1 'Torch' at a time.
To figure out a torches 'worth' add the numberthat it gives to attributes to the number that itgives to resistances, then divide by 2.
EX: A torch gives 18 to attributes, and 16 to allresists, add 18 to 16 to get 34, then divide by 2to get 17.
If that number that you calculate is between 10and 14, that torch is considered a 'low torch' andis not worth much. If the number you calculate isbetween 15-17, it is a 'mid torch' and it hasdecent worth. If the calculated number is between18-19, it is considered a 'Hi torch' and has greatvalue. If the calculated number is 20, the torchis considered a 'Perfect torch' or a 'Ptorch' andhas extremely high value.

Torches And How To Get Them

A Torch is a item that you put in yourinventory, and it gives you 3 skills up for what-ever your class is. And how to get them is thehard part, heres the first compromise, Tradepeople for them, but you need really good stuffto trade them for. And the second compromise isyou need to get the Lord of Destruction Key, theTerror Key, and the Hatred Key, and you put themin your cube and then it forms a portal, andthen you have to fight bosses. I dont know whatthe bosses are because i never did it before butmy friend on Battle. Net told me. And so afteryo beat the bosses a torch will fall out, a hellfire torch and then you put it in your inventoryand then what your class is, is what 3 skillsare going up! So its a really good chance. Butthe problem is you cant get it again. And youcant get TWO TORCHES FOR THE SAME CLASS!! And ifyou quit out of the game you will never get theopportunity to make another one again! So youbetter do it in that game and do not quit it!GOOD LUCK!

More Quick Spell Selection Keys

Ya know that you can only do 8 quick spellselect keys. And to select them from F1-F8,right. To get more, press Esc, and go intooptions, then go the control settings. As youscroll down, you'll see the selected keys forthe spells you would want to get to quickly. Asyou scroll down more, you start to see that youcan pick up to 16 different spells to select.So, since the F_ keys only go up to F12, I onlydid up to 12 spells to select. If you want tochoose different keys to do up to 16 spells, goahead.


If you start using a druid invest your skillpoints summoning and morphing skills. Do notinvest too many skill points in elemental skillsbecause in Hell difficulty almost everyone hasimmunities to elemental attacks and spells. Onceyour able to use bear invest all the skillpoints that you can in it (which is twenty)because once their level twenty they can do overone-thousand damage and he will be the bestattruibute that you can have in Nightmare andHell.

Socketing In Items

To put a socket in an item that can be socketed,you put three gems of the same type in thehorodric cube and an item that can be socketed.Once there all in, transmute it, then you shouldhave the item in there socketed. You could alsorepeat this process over and over till it is atits max. You can also do this with items thatare already socketed, or/and that is a magicalitem, like a Unique, but not sure with Set items.Ex:3 chipped gems+1 plate mail=1 socketed platemail.

Diablo 2 Charsi Imbue Guide

XP Increase

Whenever you really really need XP do the following. Go to an act that are good at andtype 'players 8', it will increase the XP gained from monsters while increasing the strenght of the monster.

Easy Full Rejuvination Potion

To get a full rejuvination potion all you needis 3 normal rejuvination potions, transmute themand you will have a full rejuvination potion. Toget a normal rejuvination potion you can findone or get 3 mana potions of any size and 3health potions of any size,transmute them andyou will get 1 normal rejuvination potion.Repeat as many times as you want and you willget the same effect.

Experience Bonus

When playing with version 1.09 hit enter then type 'Players 6'. That makes the computer think that there is six players and not just one. That makes the characters harder and more experience and more money.

Good Imbuing

One way to get a good imbued sword or anythingelse is to finish Act 1 and then god to Act 2without imbuing anything, next go to Fara talk toher then buy a falchion or whatever the thing youthink is good to imbue, then go to the waypointin Lut Gohlein and click Act 2, then go to RougeEncampment to go back to act 1(or you can go toWarriv to go back west) then go imbue the item uwant to imbue. NOTE:Remember that it has to be aregular item, not socketed or magical or anything.

Good Imbuing

One way to get a good imbued sword or anythingelse is to finish Act 1 and then god to Act 2without imbuing anything, next go to Fara talk toher then buy a falchion or whatever the thing youthink is good to imbue, then go to the waypointin Lut Gohlein and click Act 2, then go to RougeEncampment to go back to act 1(or you can go toWarriv to go back west) then go imbue the item uwant to imbue. NOTE:Remember that it has to be aregular item, not socketed or magical or anything.

Dueling Hint For Barb

While dueling with a barb, use yells as normal.Go back and talk to akara. Next go out to thedueling spot. Instead of bezerk, the move ushould be using to kill most enemys, usewhirlwind,it is way easier to hit someone with.now wait for someone to come to u unless uredueling a foh pali or a zon. On those types youhave to be aggressive and charge at them. Putitems that give you speed when facing them. Whenwhirlwinding, dont click on them but close tothem. If u click on them you will keepwhirlwinding them untill you run out of mana.Try to hit your enemy with the tip of your weponbecause thats where it does the most damage.Barbs are hard to duel with at first because theyhave no long range attacks but in my opinion theyare the best duelers in the hands of experts.

Dueling Hint For Assassin

When dueling with an assassin, go out of town andhit an enemy 3 times with tiger strike charge-up,then go back to the dueling spot and with dragonwing, (the teleport kick) attack someone. Thisshould do much more damage then a regular dragonwing kick.

Sound Chaos

During the game, multiplayer or single, pressenter and type soundchaosdebug. You will hearmany voices of characters in the game. Typesoundchaosdebug again to turn it off.

Frozen Death

If you are just starting out as a sorc, the youcan use this. It only works with the sorceress.When you level up a few times, go to new skill.Go to ice magick, and there will be a shield witha glimmer. Click that and you have ice shield.This manked anything that hits you turn to ice.When you hit it back, it shatters and melts. Youmust reuse it every once in a while, because itwears off after about 4 minutes. You can use anyother spell while this is activated, too. Best inmob battles.

Antidote Potion Recipe

Put a strangling gas potion and a healing potion in the horadric cube. Transmute them to get an antidote potion.

Arrow/Bolt Formula

This horadric cube formula is only really useful if you are travelling with a bow or crossbow, and run out of arrows/bolts and you don't feel like town portaling back to town. 2 quivers of arrows make 1 quiver of bolts. 2 quivers of bolts then equal one quiver of arrows.

Diablo 2 Charsi Imbue Tips

3 Gems Of Same Type

Put 3 gems of same type and level of perfection(chipped, flawed, etc) into the horadric cube.Hit transmute and you get a gem of the next levelof perfection. Example 3 chipped make 1 flawed.

3 Amulet Ring Formula

In the horadric cube put 3 amulets in. Transmutefor 1 ring. This is good if you have 3 bad onesand you don't need the money. The inverse workstoo. I mean 3 rings equals one amulet. There is apotential for good amulets/rings. The best I'vegotten was a plus 1 to all skill levels and 4percent life steal.

Cloak Em' And Smoke Em'

This is a useful trick with the assasin. When yourun into a large group of monsters use cloak ofshadows. Then lay as many traps as you can rightin the midst of the monsters. Before the cloak ofshadow runs out most of the monsters will be dead.Note: This is much better if you of a shadowwarrior. The shadow warrior will launch/hrow herown traps too. This will not work with the shadowmaster because masters can use any skill. Themaster will probably just run up and starthitting the monsters instead of doing traps.

Assassin Lock Open

If you are an assasin you don't need keys to openlocked chests. Just click on the locked chest andit will be open. Some people who don't read themanual don't know this.

Act V Mountain Quest

In act V on the quest fighting the barbarianancients on Arriat Summit you can't leave withoutthe ancients resetting. In nightmare or hell modethey gain ablities. You can use the reset to youradvantage. If they have an ability you don't liketo fight against use a town portal. When you comeback you can start the battle over and they'llhave different abilities.

Imbue Redo

To make sure you get a good imbue take your savefile and copy it to another place( folder, disk,cd, etc.) Then have charsi imbue whatever youwant. If you don't like the results delete thesave in the diablo2 folder and put the other onein. The repeat until you like the item you get.

Early Sockected Hint/cheat

Early in the game find a good socketed weopenwith 2 or more sockets. If you put a rune orjewel that does poison damage and a emarald orjust 2 emarlads or 2 runes,etc. the poisondameage will increase dramatically. For example 2chipped emaralds which do 6 poison damage eachtogether do 23 poison damage. This allows you inthe first act and early in the second act to killmost normal monsters with great ease

Weird Prismatic Amulet

Put a perfect gem of every type except skull(in some patched versions you need the skull) in the horadric cube. Hit transmute. You will get an amulet with all resists set to random amounts. Ex.You will also get a random affect like lifesteal, extra stats, abilities, etc.

Horadric Socketing Recipe

Put 3 perfect skulls, a Stone of Jordan (a uniquering), and a rare item and the rare item willhave one socket after the transmuting.

Diablo 2 Paladin Guide

Horadric Cube Rune Formulas

If you put in 3 runes of the same kind you will get 1 new type of rune. EXP. 3 EL runes+horadric cube= 1 ELD rune, 3 TIR runes+horadric cube+1 TAL rune.

Perfect Xp Offline

Type /players 8 in any version past 1. 09a and it will be like an online game with max players. The monsters will be harder but in turn you get a lot more experience.

Colors In Profile

To put colors in your profile, minimize the game(ALT+TAB) and open up Notepad. Hold ALT and press00255 on num pad. You should get a y with 2 dots.Copy it and open up profile. Hold control andpress v to paste it. Then press c and they shoulddisappear. Press 1-0 (not on num pad). And to getpurple, press ;

Dueling Strategy For Sorc

When dueling as a hydra sorc in blood moor, gointo one of those small houses. Fill the housewith hydras. When an enemy comes in, teleport outfor the house so your enemy can meet their toastydemise.note: this doesnt work well when dueling zons.

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Diablo 2 Charsi Imbue Guide 1.14

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Diablo 2 Charsi Imbue Guide 1.14

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