Play Dreamcast Games Online Free


  1. A group of underground computer programmers has broken through copyright protections on Sega's Dreamcast game console, sparking a new explosion of pirated game software online in just a week's time.
  2. Online games on the Dreamcast initially allowed free access to their game servers with expectations of cost offsetting through SegaNet subscriptions and game sales. Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2 was one of the exceptions to the free access, charging a monthly fee throughout the existence of its official servers.
  3. 620 games were released for the console, a lot of which are incredibly innovative and fun to play, but sadly without the longevity needed to make the Dreamcast a house-hold name today. Still, if you are thinking of completing your retro console collection and looking for the best Dreamcast games ever made, then you’ve come to the right place.
Since its implied that all games will eventually be converted, below is a list of all Atomiswave games (taken from demul) and their status, with a link to their original release thread.

Such a start has been made possible thankfully to the games that have been previously created for the Dreamcast. Among them are: Soulcalibur, Power Stone, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Hydro Thunder. These and other games roms for Dreamcast can be downloaded for free on this page.

Demolish Fist [yzb] --- Beatable!
Dirty Pigskin Football [megavolt85] --- New release, testing!
Dolphin Blue [megavolt85] --- Bugged, but beatable.[Reference]
Extreme Hunting
Extreme Hunting 2
Faster Than Speed [megavolt85] --- Beatable!
Guilty Gear Isuka [megavolt85] --- Fixes released, testing!
Guilty Gear X Version 1.5 [megavolt85] --- New release, testing!
Hokuto No Ken / Fist of the North Star [megavolt85] --- Reports of freezing on all major ODEs
Hustle Tamaire Kyousou / Animal Basket
The King of Fighters XI [megavolt85] --- Reports of freezing on GDEmu clones
The King of Fighters Neowave [yzb] --- Fixes released, testing!
Knights of Valour The Seven Spirits [yzb] --- Beatable!
Maximum Speed [megavolt85] --- Beatable!
Metal Slug 6 [megavolt85] --- Beatable!
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum [megavolt85] --- Fixes released, testing!
Net Select Keiba Victory Furlong
Ranger Mission [megavolt85] --- New release, testing!Play Dreamcast Games online, free
The Rumble Fish [yzb] --- Beatable!
The Rumble Fish 2 [yzb] --- Beatable!
Salary Man Kintarou
Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuden / Samurai Showdown VI [megavolt85] --- Beatable!
Sega Bass Fishing Challenge
Sega Clay Challenge
Sports Shooting USA [megavolt85] --- New release, testing!
Sushi Bar [yzb] --- Beatable!
Play Dreamcast Games online, freeDon't forget to thank megavolt85 and yzb for all of their hard work!
You can donate to megavolt85 via paypal to or at the website
What's an 'Atomiswave'?
An arcade system from Sammy, the hardware is based almost 1 to 1 on Dreamcast hardware, which allows these conversions to be possible.
The notable differences are in the inputs, game loading mechanism (cartridges instead of GD-ROM), and the presence of SRAM to store settings and high scores. These systems are the ones that need to be adapted for the games to run on the Dreamcast
What's the conversion process?
VERY ROUGHLY, only certain portions of the game must be retouched in order to allow the Dreamcast to run them natively;
-input mapping,
-game loading,
-SRAM configurations.
megavolt85, and now also yzb, implements these functions and builds a GDI image compatible with the Dreamcast.
Reference: MetalliC @ obscuregamers
Is it emulation? How are these games running so well?!?
No, its a conversion where only a few things are re-implemented. Since the games' code is mostly untouched, and the hardware is essentially the same, the games run exactly as they should.
We refer to these games as conversions instead of ports because no source code is being recompiled: the target hardware is the same.
Game XXXX doesn't run properly on YYYY emulator, what do I do?
The release threads focus on porting Atomiswave to real Dreamcast hardware. If the game is reported as working properly on the Dreamcast, but doesn't work properly on an emulator, contact the developers of the emulator to ask for support.
There is slowdown in XXXX game when playing on Dreamcast, but there's no slowdown on YYYY emulator, what gives?
The emulator is not accurate. The games run as they should, slowdown and all, on the Dreamcast.
Why cant I access the service menu in-game?
See next question.
Are there any drawbacks or limitations?
-Game configuration is stored in SRAM, so can't be changed during runtime. Instead SRAM configurations must be injected into the GDI before playing.
-It has been stated by megavolt85 that since Atomiswave games run off cartridges, access time and reading speed from a GD-ROM may not be sufficient to have the games running as they should. See for example
Could SRAM settings be stored in the VMU, in order to change settings while the game is running/save high scores?
Not at the moment, for a couple of reasons: there's no space to hack functions allowing this into the code, and if it were done saves would take a lot of space on the VMU.
Reference: megavolt85
But as soon as TerraOnion implements SRAM saving into MODE, I will be able to save my SRAM settings and high scores, right?
No. The games must be reworked by megavolt85 or yzb with new functions to allow this feature in MODE.
Reference: BmNT on planned MODE features
Why is the coin input not mapped to a button in the controller?
The coin input uses the G2 bus, i.e., the expansion port, to receive commands; it doesn't use the controller inputs.
Reference: megavolt85
Which games are being converted?
Its implied that ALL games will be eventually converted to the Dreamcast.
We'll get it whenever megavolt85 or yzb release it. Chill.
Can I do anything to help?
Besides showing your support, the best thing you can do is play the games. Play them A LOT. Report bugs or freezes if they happen, that way the devs will have a better idea of the problems when they start working on bugfixes. If you can, try to find ways to reproduce the problem, i.e., a procedure which always results in the problem happening.

Dreamcast Roms Gdi

Play sega dreamcast games online
Ideally, don't say a game 'works perfect' because you managed to play for 10m without any problems. Play the game A LOT. If it works great after a long time, numerous times, then report it as 'working perfect'.
Once again, chill. Devs are busy, they will get to bugs when they can, if they can. megavolt85 has stated that he will work on bugfixes and customization once all games are ported over to the Dreamcast. If you want it NOW, I encourage you to work on it yourself.
The release threads are for GDI versions, and megavolt85 has stated that he will not be working on CDI versions but will instead leave that to yzb. PLEASE DONT CLUTTER THE RELEASE THREAD ASKING FOR VERSIONS OTHER THAN GDI, there are other threads for this;
Atomiswave to Dreamcast CDI releases centralization
The Atomiswave games DOES work on the serial port.
For the moment, it is recommended to avoid burning CDI images. If your Dreamcast doesn't have an ODE, its preferable to use an SD Adapter for the Serial Port, understanding of course that a couple of games will not work that way.
Reference: megavolt85
Please, configure it yourself and don't clutter the release thread. See below on how to do this.
How do I change SRAM settings?
Its a fairly easy process, but you will need a few things:
Free-demul emulator,
-Atomiswave bios to use with demul,
-Atomiswave ROM of the game you want to change settings,
-dd (if you're on windows, get it here)
-5 minutes or less of your time.
-Decompress demul and open the folder where it was decompressed,
-make a new folder called 'roms', and add the Atomiswave BIOS and game ROMs to this folder,
-launch demul, load the game you want to change the settings of,
-when the game loads, press F4 to enter the Service Menu. You navigate this menu pressing F4, and change/confirm options pressing F2,
-make the changes you want to the game config: difficulty, language, controls (explained below in detail), etc,
-save the config of the Service menu by navigating to 'Exit' and pressing F2, the game will reload with the new settings,
-close demul, there will now be a folder called 'nvram' which contains ROMNAME.sram, copy this file to the folder with the GDI image of the same game.
-launch the command prompt and navigate to the GDI's location (fast way to do this on Windows: click on the address bar, replace the address with 'cmd'. press Enter),
-run the appropriate dd command for your game, check the release thread.
Reference: megavolt85
Video tutorial by RetrOrigin
Tutorial in French by dreamcast-news
Below are the dd commands for each game;

Code: Select all

Demolish Fist
dd if=demofist.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=57644 count=6
Dirty Pigskin Football
dd if=dirtypig.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=57645 count=10
Dolphin Blue
dd if=dolphin.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=41260 count=8
Faster Than Speed
dd if=ftspeed.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=49452 count=8
Fist of the North Star / Hokuto No Ken
dd if=fotns.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=57644 count=8
Guilty Gear Isuka
dd if=ggisuka.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=61197 count=10
Guilty Gear X Version 1.5
dd if=ggx15.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=58168 count=16
The King of Fighters Neowave
dd if=kofnwj.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=57644 count=6
The King of Fighters XI
dd if=kofxi.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=114988 count=8
Knights of Valour The Seven Spirits
!!! you need to download the updated track04 !!!
check the first post of the release thread for the dd command
Maximum Speed
dd if=maxspeed.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=41260 count=12
Metal Slug 6
dd if=mslug6.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=65836 count=6
Neogeo Battle Coliseum
dd if=ngbc.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=114988 count=8
Ranger Mission
dd if=rangrmsn.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=41260 count=10
The Rumble Fish
dd if=rumblef.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=57644 count=6
The Rumble Fish 2
dd if=rumblef2.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=98604 count=10
Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuden / Samurai Shodown VI
dd if=samsptk.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=114988 count=8
Sports Shooting USA
dd if=sprtshot.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=33068
Sushi Bar
dd if=sushibar.sram of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=18941 count=6

How do I change the control scheme?
There are 2 mappings at work here: how demul maps the buttons for Atomiswave games, and how megavolt85 and yzb map the Dreamcast buttons to Atomiswave games. Note that demul's own settings have no influence on how the game will play on Dreamcast, i.e., it doesn't matter if you map demul to a controller, leave the default keyboard map, etc.
The only thing that matters is how you setup the Service Menu.
The mappings from Atomiswave to Dreamcast are functions hardcoded into the game by megavolt85 / yzb and cannot be changed. Fortunately, the service menu can be used to change the control scheme.
The default mapping for most games being released is shown below in a Dreamcast Arcade Stick as reference;

Code: Select all

_____ _____ _____
___ / 4 / 5 / -
| | | X | | Y | | Z |
STICK | | _____ _____/ _____/ _____/
| | |START| _____ _____ _____
D-PAD _| |_ _____/ / 1 / 2 / 3
ANALOG STICK / | | | A | | B | |C/L/R|
_____/ _____/ _____/ _____/
-Metal Slug doesn't use Dreamcast R
-For driving games, see next question.

To change the control scheme of a game, enter the Service Menu (see previous question) and map each action to the Dreamcast button you want, using the diagram above. E.g.; default Metal Slug 6 control scheme is
Shot : 1
Jump : 2
Bomb : 3
Special : 4
Change : 5
Which leaves Grenades on the L button if you use a normal pad, or C if you use an Arcade Stick. If you want to map, lets say, Bombs to Y and Change to L on the Dreamcast controller, then your Service menu should look like this,
Shot : 1
Jump : 2
Bomb : 5
Special : 4
Change : 3
Remember, the only thing that matters is how you setup the Service Menu.
Can I change the controls of driving games?
Faster Than Speed and Maximum Speed use the following mapping and it can't be changed.

Code: Select all

Accelerate > R
Brake > L
Steering wheel > Analog stick
Shift Up > B
Shift Down > A
Start > Start / Y
Boost > X (Faster Than Speed only)

I changed the SRAM of Faster Than Speed / Maximum Speed and now controls don't work. What's going on?
demul's configuration for the arcade analog inputs is T, F, G, H (look at your keyboard to make sense of them).
When you first launch either of the driving games, you will be asked to calibrate your analog inputs. Follow the instructions on screen. If using default demul controls, this means pressing F, H, T, G, 1.
If you fail to do this the first time you launch the game, your analog inputs will not work in demul. If you then use the generated SRAM to change configurations on the GDI, your analog inputs will not work on the Dreamcast. Navigate to the nvram folder inside demul's directory and delete the corresponding .sram file, launch the game again and calibrate the inputs.
Reference: megavolt85
Can I play lightgun games without a lightgun?
No, you need a lightgun.
I have a lightgun but the game is not responding, what do I do?
Make sure that you
a) Plug the first and second player lightguns to ports 3 and 4 of the Dreamcast respectively
b) Are using a CRT display
Can I change the artwork of the game?
You will once again need dd. It can be done as follows:
-download dd.exe and unpack to folder with game
-put your 0GDTEX.PVR inside folder with game
-rename track03.iso to backup.iso
-open the command prompt and navigate to the folder with the GDI
-run the following commands

Code: Select all

dd if=backup.iso of=track03.iso bs=2048 count=21
dd if=0GDTEX.PVR of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=21
dd if=backup.iso of=track03.iso bs=1 seek=174112 skip=174112 count=2016
dd if=backup.iso of=track03.iso bs=2048 seek=86 skip=86
Reference 1, Reference 2
There is also a thread devoted to custom art for the releases:
Atomiswave to Dreamcast - Custom Covers


DreamPi 1.7 DLE

Updated 1.7 image with bug fixes and improvements.
Size: 623MB / 1.37GB
Download: RPi 1-3 / Zero | RPi 4


Allows you to use a Gmail account with the Dreamcast Web Browser and pay Sega Swirl online. Installation instructions here.

DreamPi Wi-Fi Configuration Wizard

Easily configure Wi-Fi on your DreamPi. This utility is included with DreamPi 1.7 and up.
Size: 22KB


ImgBurn for Dreamcast

Image burning software compatible with Dreamcast CDI Images.
Size: 5.88MB

Win32 Disk Imager

Image flashing software needed to write the DreamPi image to an SD card.
Size: 11.7MB

Game Patchers

Maximum Pool Online Save

VMU save file used to connect to the Maximum Pool private server and unlock all tables/modes.
Size: 108B

Sylverant PSO Patcher v2.0

Boot disc used to connect to the Phantasy Star Online private server.
Size: 105KB

Cannon Spike

Games / Software

Internet Game Pack

Custom image patched to connect to the private server.
Size: 21.1MB / 15.4MB

XDP Web Browser

Custom web browser for Dreamcast.
Size: 87.5MB

Play SEGA Games Online - Play Emulator

PBA Tour Bowling 2001

Custom image with DC Now support and region-protection removed.
Size: 107.3MB | 114.1MB