Arma 3 Ace 3 Tutorial

  1. Arma 3 Ace 3 Tutorial Mod

Not every ACE medical guide is applicable to every other community and how they use ACE medical, hence this guide. What is the ACE medical system? A system designed to add complexity, challenge, and value to medical elements of Arma 3, as the vanilla system is not suited to the gameplay style of BSO due to its excessive speed and over-simplicity. ACE3 Advanced Medical Guide. ACE3 Advanced medical is more complicated than your vanilla Arma medical or even the basic ACE3 medical. Below is a guide/checklist to help you started.

ACE3 Advanced Medical Guide

ACE3 Advanced medical is more complicated than your vanilla Arma medical or even the basic ACE3 medical. Below is a guide/checklist to help you started.


ALL non-medic players should carry at a minimum these medical supplies in their inventory

Ace controls arma 3
  • 5 Quik Clot Bandages
  • 10 Elastic Bandages
  • 1 Tourniquet
  • 2 Splints
  • 1 500 ml Saline
  • 2 Epinephrine
  • 2 Atropine
  • 2 Morphine
  • 1 PAK (Personal Aid Kit)


Medics will use medical supplies carried on players first when treating but should carry the following.

  • 15 Quik Clot Bandages
  • 30 Elastic Bandages
  • 3 Tourniquets
  • 10 Splints
  • 4 500 ml Saline
  • 10 Epinephrine
  • 10 Atropine
  • 10 Morphine
  • 1 PAK

What Each Does

  • Quik Clot- The first bandage applied has bonus to stop bleeding, but bad at repairing limb damage/fully stopping bleeding
  • Elastic Bandages- General purpose bandage decent at all wounds (wound re-opening turned off so other types irrelevant)
  • Tourniquet- Stops bleeding on limb but leaving on too long causes limb damage. Medications injected don't work on limb while on
  • Splint- Heals limb damage, has a chance to fall off if applied by non-medic
  • Saline- Increases blood pressure of a patient/replenishes lost blood
  • Epinephrine- Increases heart rate (DOES NOT REVIVE LIKE IN BASIC MEDICAL)
  • Atropine- Lowers heart rate
  • PAK- Repairs all damage, can only be done by a medic

Medical Steps

  1. Is the Patient Responsive?
    1. Yes: Ask him if he has wounds/he is in pain and act accordingly
    2. No: Go to step 2
  2. Is the patient wounded? (yellow or red regions on medical menu)
    1. Yes: Treat the wounds (apply tourniquet if severe on limb, first use quik clot, then elastic until region goes white, DON'T FORGET TO REMOVE TOURNIQUET)
    2. No: Skip Step
  3. Does the patient have a pulse?
    1. Yes: Go to Step 4
    2. No: If you are alone, provide CPR, if you have someone else, get them to provide CPR while you treat wounds
  4. Did the patient lose a lot of blood?
    1. Yes: Use IVs to restore volume of liquid (Medic only)
    2. No: Skip this step
  5. Is the Patient in pain?
    1. Yes and stable pulse: Give ONE dose of morphine
    2. Yes and unstable pulse: Stabilize heart rate before giving morphone
    3. No: You're done
  6. Is the Patient awake?
    1. Yes: You're done
    2. No: Stabilize his pulse/make sure he isn't in pain or missing blood
  7. See Medic for application of PAK and splint.


CPR increases the amount of time a player has in the revive state, members assisting medics can extend the time a medic has to treat a patient in the event of severe injury. As soon as a player no longer has a pulse, the timer will start, and as soon as that reaches zero the player will die.

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is affected by the amount of blood lost and medication affecting heart rate. If blood pressure is outside 20 of the default 120/80 treat.

Non Existent: 0/0Low: 100/60 and underNormal: 120/80High: 160/100 and over

Blood pressure can be increased by adding blood or epinephrine, decreased by lowering heart rate.

Heart Rate

Heart rate (pulse) is affected by the amount of blood lost and medications. If heart rate deviates more than 20 from the default 80, you should treat.

Low: 60 and belowNormal: 80High: 100 and above

Heart rate can be increased by adding blood or epinephrine, or lowered by adding atropine. Morphine temporarily lowers heart rate

Cardiac Arrest


Cardiac arrest occurs when

  • Heart rate is below 20
  • Heart rate is above 200
  • Systolic blood pressure is above 260
  • Diastolic blood pressure is below 40 and heart rate is above 190
  • Systolic Blood pressure is above 145 and heart rate is above 150

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Arma 3 Ace 3 Tutorial Mod

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